Event caters to people in need

Free Haircuts and Other Services for Those in Need event organiser Melissa Aitken was grateful...
Free Haircuts and Other Services for Those in Need event organiser Melissa Aitken was grateful for all the donations. PHOTOS: LUISA GIRAO
From haircuts and massages to food and a hot cuppa— a variety of services were provided to those most in need in Southland’s community last weekend.

The 17th edition of Free Haircuts and Other Services for Those in Need was held at Aurora College on Sunday.

Designed to support those who would not otherwise have had easy access to these services, community members were provided with a vast range of goods and services at no cost.

Organiser Melissa Aitkens said about 55 volunteers helped the 500 people who attended the event.

She was blown by the generosity of Southlanders and said it was the best feeling to see all the hard work paying off through the smiles of people.

"When you start something like this, you can see how many lives you help benefit at each event and with all the messages that you get afterwards.

"Where they’re thanking you for the food as they had no food left in their cupboard or that they didn’t have any money left to give their kids a haircut so they could send them off to school. It is just amazing."

Free Haircuts and Other Services for Those in Need event attendee Heather Park gets her hair cut...
Free Haircuts and Other Services for Those in Need event attendee Heather Park gets her hair cut by hairdresser Donna Stanley.
Invercargill resident Michael Joyce was attending the event for the first time and was surprised.

"This is incredible — especially that it’s winter and with the cost of living crisis up on us. It really helps alleviate the pressure and I was surprised that everything is really free.

"This is my first time coming but it will not be the last."

Fellow resident Heather Park left the event with a new hair style.

"I’ve been here before and I think is a great event where you can meet other people and also just chill for a bit.

"It is a great feeling to be pampered and leave here feeling better about myself."

Ms Aitken was planning the next event in July 2025 and encouraged service providers to get in touch.