NSNZ was in Gore last week filming for a video promotion project.
The project aims to raise the profile and relevance of what it mean to belong to Neighbourhood Support New Zealand.
Member organisations can also share it across their social media platforms.
Chief executive Louise Grevel said it was a treat to be able to film the promotion in Gore.
"[The idea] kind of came about one morning at about 6am before a Zoom meeting," Ms Grevel said.
The project aimed to raise the awareness of NSNZ with a selection of short and light-hearted videos, she said.
The videos were based on pages from the Manaaki Street book, which she created, she said.
She wrote the book, which explains the concept of neighbourhood support, while working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Three students from SAE Institute Auckland travelled down as the film crew.
"We never really do a lot in the South and I was like, ‘these guys are so proactive with their Neighbourhood Support’."
She wanted Eastern Southland Neighbourhood Support to be involved for that reason, she said.
Eastern Southland Neighbourhood Support co-ordinator Sharlene Taylor-Giles said it was a fantastic opportunity for Gore.
"We’re adding little touches of Southland into [the filming]," Ms Taylor-Giles said.
These included swedes, a sheep and cheese rolls.
"It’s been really cool because the people who are helping out, the actors and that are making time."
Local police, community patrol and other community members were also involved.