West Harbour Arts Charitable Trust member Ian Landreth spoke at the board’s public forum in support of a funding application for Port Chalmers School’s artist in residence programme and children’s parade.
He told the board the programme had been running since 1999, and had expanded seven years ago to invite all interested schools in the West Harbour area to take part.
‘‘We have been fortunate over the years to get many well-known artists for the residency, and this year we will have Hayley Sinclair and Aroha Novak,’’ Mr Landreth said.
Several board members expressed their appreciation of the artist in residence programme and its reach in the West Harbour community.
Later in the meeting, the board voted to fund the programme to the tune of $1000.
Trevor Johnson voted against.
The board welcomed KiwiRail Dunedin freight operations manager Jamie McFarland, who spoke about the difficulties of the busy rail crossing at Wickliffe Tce in Port Chalmers and answered questions from board members.
He said KiwiRail was keen to encourage the public to take care at the crossing.
The board heard from Dunedin City Council officers Tanya Morrison and Anne Gray, who discussed the council review of the Keeping of Animals (Excluding Dogs) and Birds bylaw. It was last reviewed in 2010.
As with other community boards around the greater Dunedin area, board members were interested in how the revised bylaw would handle noise from roosters.
Ms Morrison and Ms Gray said the work on the bylaw was in the early stages, and its scope might not cover many animals.
The board also discussed plans for hosting the West Harbour Community Awards, and decided to set aside up to $930 for that event.