The 2023 production, on the theme of "Magic in the Air", is being led by Dunedin Summer Shakespeare producers and directors Kim Morgan, Lisa Warrington, and Jessica Sutherland-Latton.
Working with teams of local actors, the directors are each preparing excerpts from Shakespeare plays to be performed in a tree-ringed glade near the Stables at Chingford Park, North Rd, at 6pm next Friday and Saturday, February 17 and 18, and 4pm next Sunday, February 19.
The hour-long performance is free and there will be no restrictions on audience numbers this year — just come along with a picnic blanket or chairs, and nibbles if desired.
Morgan is directing excerpts from mischief-filled comedy The Merry Wives of Windsor, working with actors Phil Grieve (Falstaff), Rosie Collier (Mistress Ford/Titania), and Rosella Hart (Mistress Page/Puck).
Warrington is directing scenes from wild and magical play The Tempest, with actors Sara Georgie (Prospero), Miriam Noonan (Miranda/Ariel), Anna Noonan (Ariel/Caliban) and Simon Anderson (Caliban/Ferdinand).
Sutherland-Latton is directing excerpts from the darkly magical Macbeth, with Kilda Northcott, Amalie Latton, and herself as witches, Cheyne Jenkinson (Macbeth), and Andrew Brinsley-Pirie (Banquo).
Co-producer Kim Morgan said the directors and performers were looking forward to working in a larger outdoor space at Chingford Park, giving both actors and audience members plenty of room.
"Fortunately, we won’t need to run a booking system this year, although we are advising people to arrive a little early so as to get a good spot," she said.
Now in its fourth year, Dunedin Summer Shakespeare was settling into a sustainable pattern of alternating productions of full plays with performance of excerpts, which gave the directors the opportunity to try out different ideas.
The first season in 2020 featured the full play Romeo & Juliet, followed by "Love and Laughter" excerpts in 2021, the full play A Midsummer Night’s Dream in 2022, and now the "Magic in the Air" production.
"Working this way also gives us the opportunity to explore the Dunedin public to as many different Shakespeare plays as we can," Morgan said.
The three producer/directors had all been involved since the beginning and remained a dedicated driving force behind the Dunedin Summer Shakespeare kaupapa.
"The fact that we have this strong group of women that are behind it and dedicated to it is something to be celebrated, she said.
The plays featured this year would provide some exciting highlights, including some possible audience participation, a sword fight, and some full-on chaos, as well as some suitable incidental music.
- If wet, performances will be held at the hall at Dunedin North Intermediate.