Held last Thursday at Portobello Bowling Club, the public forum had no submitters present, so the meeting focused on general board business.
Board chairman Paul Pope raised the topic of a letter received from a local resident whose husband had been severely injured in a cycling accident on the pathway near Macandrew Bay. While moving between the blocks that separate the pathway from the road to avoid walkers, his wheel hit one of the blocks and he had come off the bike, breaking his hip and damaging his knee and elbow.
The correspondent inquired about progress on Dunedin City Council plans to replace the older-style, longer rectangular blocks with curved edge, lower blocks, and whether this might have resulted in a less serious accident.
Board members discussed the issue of the blocks, and the need for more "release points" — gaps between the blocks — on the pathway for cyclists. DCC transport group manager Jeanine Benson, the senior council officer present at the meeting, agreed to look into replacing the blocks gradually over time.
The Dunedin City Council had begun a shared pathway safety campaign in December, which had involved placing decals urging people to ring their bells, be considerate, keep left, and listen out along sections of the pathway.
The board also discussed a letter from a Portobello resident requesting more signage to direct tourists towards the correct path to take towards peninsula attractions and thus reduce the number forced to turn around in his driveway. It was agreed to ask council staff to give advice on the issue and take it from there.
The governance support officer’s report highlighted that the board’s project fund balance stood at $5742.80.
Mr Pope mentioned that $250 needed to be set aside to fund an additional Anzac Day wreath for the Macandrew Bay service, and also that $1000 must be retained to fund a $1000 board scholarship.
Recently, the board had reconsidered its approach to scholarships, deciding to focus on giving out just one scholarship of $1000 each financial year to a secondary school pupil, and had redesigned the scholarship application form.
Scholarship applications close on April 30, and application packs are available now from the board.
The board received a funding application from the Kamautaurua/Quarantine Island Community for $2903.87 towards the costs of materials for the partial repair of the lodge roof.
After discussion, board members agreed to grant the project $1000.
Board members also discussed the proposed meeting schedule for 2024, finalising the dates at April 18, June 20, September 5, and November 7.