Tomorrow, August 16
Sawyers Bay Garden Club, Emmanuel Church hall, Station Rd, Sawyers Bay, at 1.45pm. Speaker Sally Brown, of Blueskin Nurseries. Competitions, spring bloom (not shrub). Arrangement: New Zealand natives, two leeks.
Wednesday, August 20
Botanical Society of Otago hosts a talk by Gretchen Robertson from the ORC about the council's focus and strategies for biodiversity in Otago. Benham Seminar Room, Rm 215, second floor, Zoology Benham Building, 346 Great King St, behind the zoology car park. Contact David Lyttle, (03) 454-5470.
Thursday, August 21
Outram Garden Club, Outram Community Hall, 7.30pm. Staging of daffodils for spring flower show. Competition: Hellebore, miniature flower arrangement.