Viticulturist Nina Downer, of Bannockburn’s Felton Road, beat five others to win the national title in Martinborough on Wednesday night.
She was competing for her fourth time — winning the title had been an "ongoing challenge", she said.
"It’s a huge relief and I’m super stoked."
The competition kept her up to date with the latest developments in the industry.
"I learn something new every year, it’s a good way to challenge myself and to keep on progressing," Ms Downer said.
She grew up on a dairy farm in the Wairarapa and always knew she wanted to work outdoors.
"There weren’t too many grapes around there", so she headed south to study viticulture and oenology at Lincoln University.
Since graduating, she had worked at Felton Road for four years.
New Zealand Winegrowers leadership and communities manager Nicky Grandorge said it was exciting to see the talent of the industry’s future leaders.
“Their passion and enthusiasm rubs off on everyone involved with the programmes. It’s a really positive environment.”
Anna Kelland, of Constellation Brands, was runner-up and Nick McArthur, of Tiki Wines, came third.