District leading the country in television set recycling

Waitaki people are believed to be leading New Zealand in recycling unwanted televisions, but have less than two weeks to cash in before they have to pay full price to get rid of them.

Since the TV Takeback scheme started in the Waitaki district in early April, 1550 televisions have been handed in at recycling centres in Oamaru, Hampden, Palmerston, Kurow, Otematata and Omarama.

It was believed the Waitaki district had the highest number of returns per head of population, and, on total numbers, was second nationally to Dunedin, Waitaki Resource Recovery Park business manner Dave Clare said.

''It shows what a caring and considerate community this is, recycling responsibly.''

People have been able to recycle under a Government-subsidised national scheme for $5, instead of the usual minimum $25.

Initially, Waitaki had funding for 896 televisions, but because of its success was able ''to squeeze out'' an extra quota, Mr Clare said.

However, the scheme would end on Sunday, August 18, with enough subsidy available to cover the televisions returned by then.

''Make the most of it,'' Mr Clare urged those who still wanted to get rid of televisions.

Recycling TVs made sure hazardous materials were dealt with safely and materials such as copper, steel and glass retrieved to be used again.

The TVs are shrink-wrapped in Oamaru and sent to Christchurch for recycling by RCN e-Cycle, one of the organisations in partnership with the Government.


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