Supporters get into spirit of Saxton fund-raiser

Saxton fervour... cardboard cut-outs of Dave and Morgan Saxton (front row) are surrounded by...
Saxton fervour... cardboard cut-outs of Dave and Morgan Saxton (front row) are surrounded by supporters at Post Office Lane in Wanaka. Photo by Marjorie Cook
Supporters of imprisoned Haast helicopter pilots Dave (62) and Morgan (30) Saxton could not get them out of jail for a party in Wanaka on Saturday, so they took the next best thing: cardboard cutouts.

More than 200 people from around the South Island enjoyed a high-spirited fundraising function in Post Office Lane to raise more than $50,000 for the Saxton cause, with the only dampener for many being the fact the Saxtons could not be there to enjoy it.

Trust supporters Paul Horrell, of Queenstown, and Jonathan Wallis, of Wanaka, said it was important the trust's message was understood clearly: they were protesting the disproportionate two-year-plus jail sentences imposed on the father and son for stealing greenstone from South Westland, compared with the 18 months imposed on Makarora pilot Harvey Hutton.

The sentences mean the Saxtons are ineligible to apply for home detention, which was granted to Mr Hutton.

Mr Wallis said, in a speech, the trust was not attacking Ngai Tahu, which by an Act of Parliament has owned the greenstone since 1997, on racial grounds.

"Contrary to some public opinion, this is nothing about racial antagonism. Despite the facts surrounding the convictions, this is largely about protesting the severity of the sentence, which is pretty ridiculous... The sentence is wrong,'' Mr Wallis said.

Mr Wallis said the Saxtons were missed and he hoped Morgan, who is a rural firefighter who operates monsoon buckets, would be back before the next fire season.

Lisa Saxton, the daughter of Dave and sister of Morgan, said she was thrilled and overwhelmed with the support shown at the event.

Another event is planned for Queenstown.

Among the 30 items auctioned by Queenstown auctioneer and real estate agent Brendon Quill were a Saxton Country DVD worth $30 (sold for $600), a Heliventures cap worn by Morgan Saxton (sold for $1000) and an autographed edition of the Haast women's calendar to be launched on May 10 ($1400).

Cardboard Dave fetched $1300 and cardboard Morgan, the target of a bidding war between several women, eventually sold for $1700.

A day with Tekapo singer Becky Murray sold for $700, a red deer stag hunt with the Wallis brothers on Minaret Station fetched $6000 and two cases of wine made by the Hazeldene brothers sold for $600 and $1000, respectively.

A large possum-skin rug by hunter Sam McLeod sold for $4500, while Queenstown hospitality businessman Al Spary bought a return trip for two anywhere in New Zealand by helicopter for $8000.

The only item in which there was no interest was Mr Spary's kidney stone, which he bought for $100.

Mr Spary said afterwards he expected his donation from the bar take at the event could match the amount raised at the auction.

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