Once again the powers that be are seeking to impose fluoridation on the public, regardless of widespread community opposition.
The usual misleading propaganda includes the statement that fluoride occurs naturally in the environment. Yes it does — but so does uranium and a whole host of dangerous substances. Would we willingly swallow any of them just because they occur naturally?
The truth is that the form of fluoride put into the drinking water is in no way "natural" but is an industrial by-product such as the scrapings from industrial chimneys and which is so toxic it is unacceptable even in toxic waste dumps. So how to dispose of it? Put it in the public’s water supplies. Yeah! Right!
Anyone wishing to understand the down side of this extraordinary agenda need only read some of the massive evidence readily available, such as Christopher Bryson’s book, The Fluoride Deception, which discusses such matters as the ruining of American scientists’ careers if they spoke out concerning fluoridation.
Couldn’t happen here? Remember what happened to career health professionals who questioned the Covid jab agenda?