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The Hon. Steven Joyce
Minister of Economic Development
Parliament Buildings
Dear Mr Joyce,
I am alarmed by the prospect of AgResearch relocating 85 jobs from its facility at Invermay, near Mosgiel.
I believe this is a devastating blow to Otago's economic and regional development and sends a chilling message to our young people looking to secure their futures in the "knowledge economy".
Certainly, we cannot rely on public sector growth, but we have been hit hard by decisions to centralise services in larger centres. This latest proposal tears at the heart of our community and our future. It must not be allowed to happen.
The Prime Minister, John Key, is on record saying New Zealand needs to make use of existing infrastructure in the regions, rather than centralising in larger centres or building new facilities. So, what exactly is the message from the Government to the people of the South?
I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,