Responding to an idea to use the wall as a canvas for colourful murals, she said the artwork was already on the wall, in the form of the shadows of trees and passers-by.
"Quite a few of our friends have commented, people who live down the harbour, that every day they see the changing light and the shadows on the wall," Ms McFarlane, the wife of artist Ralph Hotere, said.
"It's quite a beautiful minimal wall; it's quite spare."
The idea for the murals came from Dunedin City Council staff and Keep Dunedin Beautiful members, who have applied for resource consent, planning to invite schools, community groups and individuals to apply for space on the fence.
Ms McFarlane said she wanted to promote the idea that some people thought the wall was already interesting.
"Certainly, the shadows of the trees, passing people - anything - looks really interesting."