Hitting the roof considered to be quite a feat

Otago rugby players, and visitors to the province, will have a new challenge when they play at the Forsyth Barr Stadium.

The lowest part of the stadium's roof will be 30m high near the edge of the field, and the highest kick mapped during games when the Carisbrook Stadium Trust did its research on the issue was about 29.4m.

Whether the rugby union will give extra points for hitting the roof is unknown, but the stadium's designers are comfortable the clearance is enough.

The roof's height will rise to 35m at the centre of the field.

To put the matter into perspective, trust development director Darren Burden said the top of the rugby posts at Carisbrook were 16m from the ground.

"You would have to go twice the height of the Carisbrook posts," he said, so it would take something of a super-boot to clear that height.

The roof height at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff was 33m, he said.


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