Mr Doocey visited Oamaru last week.
He met representatives of local tourism operators such as Waitaki Whitestone Geopark and Tourism Waitaki to hear of any concerns they may have.
"We’ve been able to do a couple of round-tables with tourism operators, a bit of a free and frank discussion.
"One of [the issues raised] is definitely workforce," Mr Doocey said.
In 2024, the government raised the international visitor conservation and tourism levy for incoming tourists from $35 to $100.
Mr Doocey said some of that could go towards tourism operators funding more staff — but he was short on detail.
"What we’re looking at with the international visitor levy ... is how we can work with local communities to co-fund some of the infrastructure pressure they’re facing through tourism."
He was also pleased to see the Netflix production East of Eden use Oamaru as a backdrop.
"One good thing about tourism is that it brings money into local economies, it brings jobs and incomes into smaller towns of regional and rural New Zealand.
"It’s great to see the production here and just the hive of activity it’s bringing to the town."