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Haast volunteers Robin Manera, Marietta Gibb and Robyn Hoglund, with some of the fadges of rubbish they collected between Sandrock Bluff and Barn Bay, South Westland.

Marietta Gibb, Robyn Hoglund and Robin Manera fill a fadge with rubbish between Barn Bay and Sandrock Bluff.

Beach clean up organisers with some of the stuff collected from the beaches from left Julian Tovey (Department of Conservation), holding a float, Peter Spencer-Bower (pilot) holding a rugby ball, Lisa Mills (Doc) with ropes and Goeff Robson (pilot).

Greenstone Helicopters on South Westland beach between Gorge River and Barn Bay.

DOC manager Julian Tovey prepares fadges to be lifted from the beach by pilot Geoff Robson of Greenstone Helicopters.

Greenstone Helicopters aircraft carries fadges of rubbish.

Greenstone Helicopters aircraft carries fadges of rubbish.

Greenstone Helicopters aircraft carries fadges of rubbish.

Briefing: Julian Tovey, Grant McKinnon, Marietta Gibb, Robyn Hoglund, Lisa Mills, Robin Manera.

Pilots Peter Spencer-Bower and Geoff Robson discuss routes with Julian Tovey.

Plastic rubbish inside a fadge includes bright orange fishing floats.

Plastic rubbish.

Pilot Peter Spencer-Bower, and Doc workers Julian Tovey and Lisa Mills at Gorge River.

A volunteer's carry bag.

Stolen from Talleys.

A washed-up aluminium dinghy.

Wanaka pilot Peter Spencer-Bower prepares a net to lift the dinghy by helicopter.

Grant McKinnon of Fiordland Coast Walks picks up a washed up float from a South Westland beach near Awarua Point.

Grant McKinnon of Fiordland Coast Walks picks up a washed up float from a South Westland beach near Awarua Point.

Pilots Geoff Robson and Peter Spencer-Bower prepare the dinghy for lifting.

More beach rubbish.

Pilot Geoff Robson gathers rock ballast for his helicopter load.
Otago Daily Times reporter Marjorie Cook travels South Westland with a team cleaning plastic debris from remote beaches.
Read the story: Cleaning up the back of beyond
Photos by Marjorie Cook; prints available from