Attending health boards' workshop

When the Otago and Southland district health boards meet for a day-long private workshop in Invercargill on Monday, they will be joined by the new National Health Board's business unit interim director Chai Chuah.

In a brief email statement to the Otago Daily Times, Mr Chuah said his attendance was part of the National Health Board working more closely with district health boards and he was looking forward to the meeting.

The two boards had a good track record of implementing shared-service initiatives and aligning their administrative functions, he said.

The national health board, announced last year, will work within the Ministry of Health to consolidate national planning and funding of information technology, workforce planning and capital investment.

It will also take national responsibility for vulnerable health services such as paediatric oncology.

Otago board chairman Errol Millar said it was hoped Mr Chuah would be able to give some idea of whether changes were likely in the boards' planning processes.

This year, the board had expected to conduct a health-needs analysis and develop a strategic plan, but it was possible there could be some changes in the responsibilities of boards with greater national planning.

Mr Millar said he was keen to see that there was no duplication of the planning process, although he felt it was desirable to proceed with the health-needs analysis for both Otago and Southland.

The boards will also receive an update from representatives of the transition board overseeing the move from nine primary health organisations to one across both provinces.

Mr Millar said both board chairmen received regular information on this, along with chief executive Brian Rousseau, but the workshop would give board members the opportunity to have any questions answered.

The workshop will also briefly discuss the recent consultation on the idea of one Otago-Southland district health board, but formal discussion on this would not be held until the board meetings in February, Mr Millar said.

The report on the consultation is expected to be made public when the agenda papers are prepared for those meetings.

Much of the rest of the time at the workshop will be devoted to financial planning , looking at the progress both boards are making on their financial recovery plans and when they might be able to balance their books.



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