Having watched politicians court their vote in every way imaginable for the past few weeks, it is now crunch time for our voter focus group. On the eve of the 2008 general election, Sarah Harvey asks six Dunedin people what they have thought of the campaign and what their final decision will be.

Student and wildlife tour guide.
Engaged, no children.
Was going to vote Green at the start of the campaign.
What have you thought of the campaign in the past week?
Again, it has been pretty non-existent.
It has been overshadowed by the American campaign.
Is there anything you want to hear from politicians before the campaign end?
I actually want to hear them go through what they are going to do.
There has been lots of talking around the subject but there has been nothing clear yet about what they are going to do.
Who will you vote for and what helped you decide?
I am voting for the Greens.
They have run the most honest campaign and they have the most ideas and policies which I feel are suited to me.
I also want to see the minor parties have more power.

Customer services-retail assistant.
In de-facto relationship with one child.
Undecided at start of campaign.
What have you thought of the campaign in the past week?
Not a lot. Although I find it intriguing that the Maori Party won't disclose who they are backing. Everyone else is just scrambling, there has been publicity stunt after publicity stunt.
Is there anything you want to hear from politicians before the campaign end?
Just for them to divulge how trustworthy and open they are going to be.
I'm sick of empty promises, they need to be more honest.
Who will you vote for and what helped you decide?
I think I'm leaning towards the comfort zone of Labour. I have been thinking about it a lot for the last couple of weeks.
As much as I want change, I'm not sure National is going to make the right changes.

Owner-operator taxi driver.
Married with two children.
Has always voted Labour.
What have you thought of the campaign in the past week?
I think it has been very tight between the two of them.
I still look at the secret tapes that seem to be coming out about National, but other than that I think they are pretty close.
Is there anything you want to hear from politicians before the campaign end?
The truth.
What they are going to do for the lower-income person, let's for once just hear the truth.
Are they going to look after them or not? And where are they going to get the money from for all their big spending projects?
Who will you vote for and what helped you decide?
I will still vote for Labour because I think "Isn't it better the devil you know than the devil you don't know?" I think they have done a good job.
Why not give them another three years?

Part-time student.
Undecided at the start of the campaign.
What have you thought of the campaign in the past week?
It has been a lot more visible. There have been a lot more TV ads but no new arguments coming forward.
Is there anything you want to hear from politicians before the campaign end?
Not really. We have probably heard everything they have to say at this point.
Who will you vote for and what helped you decide?
I think I have decided to give my party vote to Green. It has been a relatively long decision and is a strategic one.
I would like to see Labour in over National but I don't necessarily agree with all their policies.
I want the Greens to have more influence.

Retired on a pension.
Widow with one adult son.
Thought she would vote either Labour or NZ First at the start of the campaign.
What have you thought of the campaign in the past week?
Just too personal. They haven't discussed what they are going to do.
But I think it is better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
I don't trust National or Mr Key.
Is there anything you want to hear from politicians before the campaign end?
I would like to hear them say that there is no way they will put the retiring age up, not for me but for people who are coming of retiring age.
We have still got to eat and pay the bills just like everyone else.
Who will you vote for and what helped you decide?
I have voted for Labour. I wanted nothing to do with the Greens or the leader with the yellow jacket or the blues.
I wanted to vote for Labour so we can hold on to our pension.

Company director.
Married with independant children.
Thought she would vote National at the start of the campaign.
What have you thought of the campaign in the past week?
I think it has kind of turned me off quite a lot.
I though the television debate [on Wednesday] night was probably the saving grace of the week.
There's just been so much negativity and I think people are really starting to get sick of it.
Labour must have realised they have made a big mistake with the way they have run their campaign.
I don't think I will be voting based on the campaign; I will be voting on what will be the best outcome for the country.
Is there anything you want to hear from politicians before the campaign end?
I would like them to go away and leave us in peace.
Let us vote and be done with it.
Who will you vote for and what helped you decide?
I have considered all the articles about splitting votes, etc and I think it will be best not to do that and to go with the major right-wing party, National.
I am focusing on trying to get a local National MP through the party vote.