Club prospering after venue change

The work of recently retired Dunedin 60+ Club
The work of recently retired Dunedin 60+ Club publicity officer Lorene Cecconi (left) was acknowledged by the club with the presentation of a native plant by president Moira Ingham (right). PHOTO: SUPPLIED
The Dunedin 60+ Club is going from strength to strength, writes club secretary Len Leith.

The numbers attending monthly general meetings at Blind Low Vision, 458 Hillside Rd, have increased markedly.

This is pleasing to the executive committee which made the decision to relocate and sought out alternative meeting places earlier in the year, with ease of access and parking front of mind.

The soldout midwinter function on Wednesday, July 6, will be another chance to highlight the talent the club has, put together by the social committee, led by our president Moira Ingham.

The midwinter function is for ticket-holders only and lunch will start at 1pm.

The Sixties Entertainers will be performing, along with country music, “mad cap capers” from the social committee and audience participation.

The emphasis is on fun, which is what Dunedin 60+ Club is all about.

One of the many popular 60+ club groups is the hikers who get to go to fabulous places and enjoy time together.

On May 24, they went to Victory Beach on Otago Peninsula. They made a colourful bunch totalling 17 walkers.

The hikers are one of several club activity groups members can join, along with the Monday walkers, ramblers and trampers.

The co-ordinators who lead and support the groups operated by the club are our backbone and all are enthusiastic volunteers who give their best to the club through the work they do.

Our recently retired publicity officer, Lorene Cecconi, received a special presentation at the club’s June meeting.

President Moira Ingham lauded Lorene’s years of effort and good work in many facets of the club, being active in promoting the club in various ways, such as The Star column, while acting as publicity officer.

The native plant presented to Lorene will hopefully act as a regular reminder of our appreciation.

  • The next general meeting of Dunedin 60+ Club will be held on Wednesday, July 6, from 1pm.
  • As this is the club’s midwinter lunch and entertainment, admission is by ticket only.
  • Ample parking is available on nearby streets and bus stops are close by.
  • A list of upcoming club activities can be found on the website, or phone Noel on 455-2586, or Len on 027 330-1696.
  • The next monthly general meeting will be held on August 3, speaker to be announced.