Unaware that any non-surgical solution is available, many individuals resign themselves to discomfort and an altered lifestyle caused by varicose veins.
Transform Clinic Dunedin offers effective, non-surgical treatments that will have you living your best life again in no time.
Transform Clinic’s Dr Ian Little has been in the business for over 30 years, always remaining up to date with the latest in thinking and techniques nationally and internationally.
His expertise in varicose vein treatment is well recognised and is covered by all major health insurers in New Zealand (medical criteria applies).
Transform Clinic offers a free veins consultation with Dr Little, which includes an assessment and an ultrasound scan of your veins.
If you wish to treat varicose veins because of discomfort or for cosmetic reasons and wish to do so with an experienced practitioner you can trust, contact Transform Clinic today.
For more information please visit, Transform Clinic, 0800 256 654, Queens Building 109 Princes Street, Central Dunedin