Carisbrook's cost issue for meeting

The Carisbrook stadium and car park could cost $439,000 a year to maintain after the Dunedin City Council takes over the properties next year.

That information is just one matter to consider when a group of "stakeholders" meets at Carisbrook next Monday, beginning a public consultation process on the future of the ground.

An invitation to the meeting asked those invited to "present your ideas for the future of the facility".

Cr Richard Walls said yesterday the meeting was not just for stakeholders, and anyone could attend.

The council announced in April it was looking to the public for practical options for Carisbrook's future.

Land at Carisbrook includes eight residential properties on the western side of Burns St, a 5000sq m site on the corner of Burns and Neville Sts, and the stadium itself, an area of about 30,000sq m.

The council bought the properties from the Otago Rugby Football Union last year for $7 million.

Mayor Peter Chin said in his invitation the council needed to consider "the impacts [of any ideas] on local residents, businesses and Dunedin city at large".

Ideas raised at the meeting would be analysed by council staff, and reported to a council finance and strategy committee meeting in September.

A timetable shows a forum would be set up on the council's website for the public to post ideas, and a public meeting held at Carisbrook on July 8, with a deadline for proposals of July 26.

Cr Walls said the invitation had been sent to "a wide range of people", including sporting bodies and South Dunedin interest groups.


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