The show, which follows on from Ashton’s popular musical hit Promise and Promiscuity, swaps Jane Austen for Charles Dickens and offers a rollicking romantic musical journey through 15 gin-soaked characters told with song, dance and questionable personal hygiene.
Presented with performers and audience on-stage at the Regent Theatre, at 7pm next Friday and Saturday, December 15 and 16, Olive Copperbottom is Oliver! meets Blackadder with a saucy feminine twist.
The performance will feature re-workings of classical masters, including Chopin, Verdi and Tchaikovsky by the ever talented Robbie Ellis, and a brand new corset to make your eyes water from Elizabeth Whiting.
Ashton requests that audiences should come because, as Dickens said ... "it is a hopeless endeavour to attract people to the theatre, unless they first be brought to believe they will never get in".